Oktató videók
Oktató videók
Oktató videók a 3D EyeWitness programhoz
Az ezen az oldalon található videóinkkal a 3D EyeWitness program megismeréséhez, használatához szeretnénk segítséget nyújtani.
Ezek a videók a 3D EyeWitness program különböző funkcióit mutatják be:
3D EyeWitness-DEMO car moving
ROADCAD feature allows you to quickly draw streets and intersections.
3D EyeWitness-Documentation of an accident scene
ROADCAD feature allows you to quickly draw streets and intersections.
3D EyeWitness -3D Crime, Fire and Traffic Accident Scene Reconstruction Software
3D EyeWitness v11_avatar
3D EyeWitness: 3d view
Imagine being able to layout a scene, look at it in three dimensions, and even take a „movie” tour through it.
3D EyeWitness-Fire it
3D EyeWitness lets you create and view your fire scene in 3D. Then, rotate the scene up, down, left, and right to get the ideal “birds eye” view. Once you have the desired shot 3D EyeWiness can paint the image or give you a hidden line rendering of it for better presentation. You can easily make 3D pictures (BMP, JPEG, DXF, PNG, etc.), films (AVI,MP4, etc.), panorama films (MOV) of scene documentation prepared in 2D by using 3D. 3D picture can be paintings, or line-drawings. Line-drawings can be sent to 2D editor with an icon, so texts, comments, dimension lines can be put in it as you do in 2D drawing during documentation.
3D EyeWitness v12 -Tram
The objects to be used in the AVATAR animation can be taken from the Avatar symbol library. These symbols (people, functionaries, fire water and alarm sign) may be re-sized, given actions, and otherwise modified. It is also possible to animate these symbols moving along a path and using the ACTIONS parameter. To do so, the path must be determined on the floor-plan.